2024 코리아디자인페스티벌
Design Festival
〈코리아디자인페스티벌〉은 K-디자인을 더 부흥시키고 한국의 대표적인
디자인 산업 국제 행사로 육성하기 위해 개별적으로 개최하던 서울디자인, 공공디자인 페스티벌, 디자인코리아, 서울디자인페스티벌 4개의 디자인 전시 행사를 통합한 국내 최대 규모의 디자인 페스티벌입니다.
한국 디자인 산업의 세계화를 위해 정부·지자체·민간 협력 거버넌스 및 행사 얼라이언스를 구축하고, 4개 행사를 아우르는 상위 개념의 통합 명칭으로 코리아디자인페스티벌 Korea Design Festival을 지정했습니다. 〈코리아디자인페스티벌〉을 통해 한국 디자인 산업의 글로벌 확장은 물론 더욱 풍성해진 볼거리와 프로그램 등으로 다채로운 디자인 트렌드를 선도하고자 합니다.
<Korea Design Festival> is the largest design festival in Korea that integrates four design exhibition events, including Seoul Design, Public Design Festival, Design Korea, and Seoul Design Festival, which were held individually to further promote K-Design and foster it as a representative international event in Korea’s design industry.
For the globalization of the Korean design industry, the government, local government, and private cooperation governance and event alliances were established, and the Korea Design Festival was designated as the integrated name of the top concept encompassing the four events. Through the <Korea Design Festival>, we intend to lead a variety of design trends with more abundant attractions and programs as well as global expansion of the Korean design industry.
<Korea Design Festival> is the largest design festival in Korea that integrates four design exhibition events, including Seoul Design, Public Design Festival, Design Korea, and Seoul Design Festival, which were held individually to further promote K-Design and foster it as a representative international event in Korea’s design industry.
For the globalization of the Korean design industry, the government, local government, and private cooperation governments and event alliances were established, and the Korea Design Festival was designated as the integrated name of the top concept encompassing the four events. Through the <Korea Design Festival>, we intend to lead a variety of design trends with more abundant attractions and programs as well as global expansion of the Korean design industry.
If you purchase the KDF integrated pass, the largest Korean design festival, you can view all four design exhibitions.